Simplifying Biology: A Guide to Class 9th class Short and Conceptual Questions in Chapter 1 "Introduction to Biology"
Are you struggling to understand the intricacies of Chapter 1 Biology in Class 9? Don't worry, you're not alone! The subject can be overwhelming, especially with its various sub-disciplines, like Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biogeography, Biostatistics, and Bioeconomics. But fear not! This blog post aims to simplify the complex concepts of Biology, making it easier for students to excel in their Board and Entry Tests exams.
In this guide, we will delve into the definition of Biology, the multidisciplinary approach to its study, and the various career paths available in this field. Furthermore, we will also explore the connection between Biology and the Quran, as well as the contributions of Muslim scientists in the field of Biology. These topics are crucial for the Board Exams and can help students score higher marks in their exams and entry tests. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of Chapter 1 Biology together!
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Short and to-the-point answers of Chapter 1 Biology Notes From the Notes Library of H.E.S (Health, Education, and Skills) |
Define Biology. Also, describe briefly the history of Biology.
Definition of Biology
The branch of science that deals with the scientific study of living organisms, such as plants, animals & microorganisms are called biology.
Brief History of biology
Biological sciences emerged from the tradition of medicines especially ancient Egyptian medicines and the work of Aristotle and Galen in the ancient Greco-Roman world.
In the middle ages, it was further developed by Muslim physicians and scholars such as Al-Jahiz, Ibni-Sina, Jabir-bin-Hayyan, etc.
For the 1st time, the term Biology was introduced in Germany. French naturalist Jean Bepsite De-Lamarck proposed that the study of living forms should be unified under biology.
do you mean by a Multidisciplinary approach to the study of biology? (OR)
How does biology correlate with other subjects?
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of biology/ Linkage of biology with other fields of study
The relation of biology with other fields of study is called its multidisciplinary approach. Some of the emerging fields of biology in this regard are
1. Biophysics
The interdisciplinary science that explains the laws and principles of physics, from the molecular scale to the whole organism, is called biophysics.
Applications (uses) of biophysics
Biophysics is used in- The reception of light rays and image formation by the eye.
- Effects of X-rays on living organisms.
- Movement of muscles and bones.
- For the development of new instruments in the field of medical science, such as CT scans, MRI, Ultrasound, Laser surgery, etc.
- In physiology, bioenergetics, neurosciences, pharmacology, etc.
2. Biochemistry
The study of synthesis, decomposition, and reactions taking place in the bodies of living organisms, such as animals, plants, and microorganisms, is called biochemistry.
Applications of biochemistry
The knowledge of biochemistry is widely used in
- Determination and analysis of the organic compounds that make up the cells, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
- Chemical processes that are vital for life, such as Glycolysis, Krebs’s cycle, and Electron Transport Chain (ETC).
- A medical field for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by abnormalities of vital (life-needed) organic compounds.
3. Biogeography
The study of life distribution on earth is called biogeography.
Applications of biogeography
The knowledge of biogeography is used in
- Understanding the spread of animal-borne diseases.
- Acquiring knowledge about the preservation of rare species.
- Knowing the changing geography of the world.
- Identifying the specific climates, foods, and geographic features that different animals require.
4. Biostatistics/Biometry
The application of statistical and mathematical formulas in the study of biology is called biostatistics or biometry.
Applications of biostatistics
- Biometry is more often used for agricultural applications.
- Biostatistics is used for medical applications.
5. Bioeconomics (Economics= The study of wealth)
The study of life, from an economic point of view, is called bioeconomics.
Application of bioeconomics
Living organisms play a vital role in the economy of a
country. Diseases of animals, plants, and microbes, such as bird flu and microbial
infections, are the cause of billions of dollars in loss. Bioeconomists
calculate and compare the cost and profit of biological projects.
Discuss the career paths in the field of biology.
Careers in Biology
Studying biology is rewarding and exciting because it is directly related to our daily life. Some of the careers in biology are
1. Field of medicine and surgery
The field of biology that is related to the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases is called the field of medicine.
Careers in the field of medicine
After studying biology at a higher secondary level, one can choose a profession as a medical doctor or as a surgeon. In surgery, the defective parts of the body are repaired, replaced, or removed.
2. Fisheries
The study area of biologists where they study various aspects of fish life is called fisheries.
Career in fisheries
Fisheries is concerned with the biology of fish. One can choose this career after completing a bachelor's or master's degree in Zoology, where he/she works as a fisheries manager in fish hatcheries to study fish habitat, nutritional requirements, population, genetics, diseases, etc.
3. Agriculture
The science of farming, including the growing of crops and rearing of animals is called agriculture.
Career in agriculture
Agriculturists deal with crops and livestock. One can choose agriculture as a profession after studying biology at a higher secondary level. Agriculturists may work in the agriculture department, veterinary and pharmaceutical industries, farming, agricultural banks, etc.
4. Animal Science/ Animal husbandry
The area of study of biology that deals with the breeding and raising of livestock (domestic animals) is called animal science or animal husbandry.
A career in animal science
Graduates of animal science work in veterinary hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, livestock departments, and pet food industry, etc.
5. Horticulture
The practice of garden cultivation and management is known as horticulture.
Career in horticulture
Horticulturists can open businesses and find jobs in fruits and vegetable production, landscape design, nurseries, gardens, etc.
6. Forestry
The science of planting, managing, and caring for forests is called forestry.
Career in forestry
Forestry as a carrier can be adopted after completing M.Sc in biological sciences. Forestry officers are mostly concerned with the defense of wildlife and their habitat, caring for biodiversity, and providing timber and sink for atmospheric CO2.
7. Farming
Farming deals with the development and maintaining farms for animal breeding, poultry, fruit, and vegetables. Students can adopt farming as a profession after completing professional diplomas in agriculture or husbandry.
8. Forensic science
Using scientific biological information for investigating crimes is called forensic science.
Forensic scientists are mostly concerned with finding out the crimes in a society for a peaceful environment. For this purpose, they work with the cooperation of police or other defense agencies.
biology in the light of verses from the Holy Quran.
is the creator of all living and non-living things, elaborate this statement
in the light of some verses of the Holy Quran.
No doubt, ALLAH is the creator of the universe (that we know) and all the things within it. Following are some of the verses of the Holy Quraan which guided humans in this regard
a. Creator of man from clay
WHO made all things good which he created and
HE began the creation of man from clay’ (Surah Al-Sajda, Ayah No 7)
‘HE created man of clay like the potters’ (Surah Al-Rehman, Ayah No 14)
b. Originator of the universe
‘The originator of the heavens and earth’ (Surah Al-Ana’m, Ayah No 102)
Creation of living things from water
‘WE made from water every living thing,
why do they not then believe?’ (Surah Anbiyah, Ayah No 30)
‘And ALLAH created every animal from water.
Some creep up on their bellies, and others walk on two legs
and other on four.ALLAH creates what HE wills. HE has
power over all things ’ (Surah Nur, Ayah No 45)
Write down the contributions of some renowned Muslim scientists in the field of Biology and medicine.
Some Muslim scientists in Biology and Medicines
1. Jabir Bin Hayyan
Year of birth: 721 AD
Year of death: 815 AD
Jabir Bin Hayyan was considered the father of chemistry. He was born in Iran.
Jabir Bin Hayyan wrote many books on plants and animals. His famous books are Al-Nabatat about plants and Al-Hayawan about animals. He was also an astronomer, pharmacist, physician, philosopher, and engineer.
2. Abdul Malik Asmai
Year of birth: 740 AD
Year of death: 828 AD
He was born in Basrah. He was a specialist of animal sciences.
are the famous books of Abdul Malik Asmai
· Al-Kheil about horses
· Al-Ibil about camels
· A-Sha about sheep
· Al-Wahoosh about wild animals
· Khalaq-ul-Insan is about the information on different parts and functions of the human
3. Bu Ali Sina
Year of birth: 980 AD
Year of death: 1037 AD
He was born in Bukhara.
He is famous for his contributions to medicine. He was
also an expert in mathematics, astronomy, physics, paleontology, etc. He
discussed the parts, functions, and diseases (130 diseases) of the Human eye. His most
famous book is ‘Al-Qanoon fi-tib’.
4. Abu Usman Umar Al-jahiz
He wrote the famous book ‘Al-Hayawan’. In this book, he described the seasonal migration of fish in the river Tigris. He also discussed the life system of ants.
5. Al-Farabi
Year of birth: 870 AD
Year of death: 950 AD
His famous books are ‘Kitab-ul-Nabatat’ about
plants and ‘Kitab-ul-Hayawan’ about animals.
6. Abdul Qasim Al-Zahravi
Year of birth: 936 AD
Year of death: 1004 AD
He was a great Muslim surgeon and was famous for the removal of stones from the urinary bladder.
7. Ibnul Haitham
Year of birth: 965 AD
Year of death: 1039 AD
He was a great ophthalmologist. He corrected the Greek concept of vision locating the retina as the seat of vision. His famous books are ‘Kitab-ul-Manazir’ and ‘Mizan-ul-Hikma’.
8. Ibn-ul-Nafees
He was a well-known biologist in the 13th century AD. He described the circulation of blood in the human body.
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